astrology resources to alchemize your mindset

check out my podcast, workshops and courses Below

No previous astrology knowledge needed as the resources are archetypal and applicable to anyone!

The Relational Alchemist Venus Retrograde Course-->

FREE Workshop Replay: Key Astrology Cycles of 2025 --->

Astrology Alchemy Podcast

The Astrology Alchemy podcast gives you inspiring insights from current astrology cycles that support your path of turning your personal “lead” into “gold.”

pluto in aquarius workshop

Effectively navigate the current 20-year cycle of collective systemic regeneration!

chiron: Transform Your Wounds into a Path to Healing

Connect with your Inner Wounded Healer Chiron through myth, astrology and inner wisdom.

Jupiter Life Passages workshop

Use Key Astrology Cycles of Jupiter

to Connect to Your Inner Wise One and Reclaim a Meaningful Life. This is a special resource if you're around the ages of 24; 36; 48 or 60.

saturn life passages workshop

Use Key Astrology Cycles of Saturn

to Connect to Your Inner Elder and Reclaim a Purposeful Life. This workshop is a special resource if you're around the ages of 21; 28-30; 35-36; 43-44; 51-52 or 58-60.

edgewalkers life passages cycles workshop

Use Key Midlife Astrology Cycles of Pluto, Neptune and Chiron

to Reclaim a Life Aligned with Your Power, Dreams and Healing. This workshop is a special resource if you're in your late 30's to your early 50's.

Uranus life passages cycles workshop

Use Key Astrology Cycles of Uranus

to Connect to Your Inner Maverick and Reclaim an Authentic Life. This workshop is a special resource if you're you're around the ages of 21-22; 40 to 43; 61-62 or 83-84.

Astrology Resources and Gifts from Chani.

Portions of purchase support survivors of gender-violence

Alchemize your mindset on your edges of change!

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