Sheila Bélanger • Transformation Coach

Archetypal Astrologer • ACC

Alchemize Your Mindset to Access the Gold of Your Visionary Nature

be the unique visionary change agent you were born to be for these collective crossroads times

I am a dynamic and catalyzing guide to your transformation journey. Using the inner wisdom practices in my signature Transformation Journey Roadmap, I guide you on your edges of change to transmute limiting mindsets and tap into the power of your inner wisdom.

Activate life-changing paradigm shifts to claim your visionary nature!

My lightning bolt presence as a guide is rooted in countless direct personal experiences navigating on my own edges of change. A pivotal “edge” moment for me happened in my early 20's. I was a Mechanical Engineering student and experienced a life-changing paradigm shift when I met Archetypal Astrology, an esoteric science infused with ancient wisdom traditions. From that meeting, I received deep transformational insights about my true nature and shifted my life path to become a transformation and initiation guide.

I have over 40 years effectively translating consciousness-shifting alchemical inner practices into life-changing ways for thousands of grateful clients and students. My varied background with transformational practices includes a Master’s degree in Transpersonal Psychology and extensive training with:

  • Archetypal Astrology

  • Process-Oriented Psychology

  • Soulcraft™ Initiation Guiding

  • Meditation

  • Guided Imagery

  • Neo-shamanic healing

When not hanging out on the edges, I love wandering in inner and outer wilderness territories.

It's time to release old patterns and embrace new possibilities.

Transmute your mindset and live your most authentic life.

alchemize your mindset

Here are some of my transformational offerings:

transformational Do-It-Yourself courses

Courses with the Transformation Journey Roadmap as a Map to Navigate Your Edges of Change


Step into a transformational 1:1 coaching journey with Sheila to activate and support your visionary authentic leadership.

Archetypal Astrology courses

Enroll in a Do-It Yourself Astrology course to track your archetypal patterns and life cycles.

how much longer do you want to struggle with

toxic smallness?

Alchemize your mindset on your edges of change!

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