Saturn Life Passages Cycles Workshop

Use Saturn Cycles to align with your Inner Elder and reclaim a purposeful life!

Stop fighting your authentic nature by trapping yourself in old restrictive responsibilities and roles. It's time to reclaim a more purposeful life!

Saturn Life Passages Cycles:

Get the big picture of your Saturn life passages, how to easily understand and use these astrology cycles to align with your Inner Elder to effectively support your desired life changes…

without the overwhelm and frustration.

With special insights and strategies for those with:

• “It’s All My Responsibility” habits

• "I Can't Set Effective Boundaries" patterns

• “I've Lost My Purpose” mindset

• Exhaustion with "responsibility overwhelm"

"While Sheila offers poignant paradigms and practices for the journey, the more potent alchemy comes from her own inner mastery and integration which shines through her teaching and guidance."

~From a grateful workshop participant

this is what you can expect to learn from the workshop:

  • Mindset shift to know that you’re not crazy that you need to make changes

  • Understand how to use astrology as a tool to navigate your life passages

  • Learn how to use your key Saturn cycles to align with your Inner Elder

  • Clarify your life direction to reclaim a meaningful purposeful life

  • Our powerful mindset-shift practices to effectively make lasting changes

“One of the hardest things in life to learn are which bridges to cross and which bridges to burn."

~Oprah Winfrey

i struggled in my life with A LIMITING mindset

I'm Sheila Bélanger, Archetypal Astrologer

A pivotal “edge” moment for me happened in my early 20's. I was a Mechanical Engineering student, wrestling with how I was going to make it after graduation in the patriarchal engineering culture of the times.

I was fighting myself by trying to fit into a culturally secure "consensus reality" identity that denied my intuitive, edgy and spiritual side.

Then I met Archetypal Astrology and experienced a life-changing paradigm
shift. From that meeting, I received deep transformational insights about my authentic nature and how it unfolds with my unique astrology cycles. From that encounter, I shifted my life path to become an archetypal astrologer and transformation guide.

I can catalyze and guide you to stop fighting your authentic nature and align with your unique life passages using your astrology cycles.

Saturn Life Passages Cycles workshop

Here's what's included:

  • Video and Audio Recordings from the live workshop

  • 5 Modules

  • 2 Mindset-Shifting Guided Imagery Journeys

  • 3 Reflection Tracking Practices

  • The Saturn Life Passages Cycles Workbook

  • Recorded Workshop Q&A and Group Discussion

the workshop Modules


A Purposeful Life

An exploration of the Hero-Heroine's initiation journey as a pathway to a purposeful life.

Practice: Embodied Journey to Meet an Ally for Grounding


Mythic and Archetypal Saturn

An introduction to Saturn as a mythic and archetypal character.

Practice: Guided Journey to Your Inner Elder


Basics of Astrology and Saturn Cycles

Learn the basics of astrology and Saturn's astrological cycles.


The Cycles of Saturn Life Passages

Explore Saturn's 30-year cycle around the Sun and its four key cycles of maturation.

Reflection Practices:

• Saturn Cycles: Birth to Age 29

Saturn Cycles: Age 30 to 59

• Saturn Cycles: Ages 60 to 89


discussion and Q&A

Explore the insights and journey experiences of the live workshop community through inspirational discussion and Q&A.

special workshop price!


One-time payment

2-hour workshop

5 video lessons

5 Mindset-Awakening Guided Practices

Recorded Q&A and Discussion from the live workshop


Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don’t know anything about astrology?

You don’t need to know anything about astrology nor your natal chart. The astrology information in the workshop is archetypal and applicable to anyone. 

You’ll get expert astrology advice presented in basic English that cuts through your frustration and overwhelm. You'll get a clear astrological navigation plan for activating your Inner Elder to live a more effective and purposeful life.

Think of this workshop as a unique experience of astrological coaching.

Will the workshop really get me results I want?

The astrology cycle information and mindset-shifting practices are "field tested" by hundreds of grateful clients and students. You can use astrology as a novice to empower yourself by creating an effective life change roadmap! The mindset-shifting practices effectively take you underneath your limited critical mind to access the power of your inner wisdom.

Plus we’re not just about astrology and mindset-shift practices. We’re about creating those supportive moments where you get more grounded and effective without feeling stuck and overwhelmed.

Get the big picture of your Saturn life passages to effectively support your desired life changes!

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