Transform Your Wounds into a Pathway to Healing

- Connect with Your Inner Wounded Healer Chiron through Myth and Astrology


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"There's a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in." ~Leonard Cohen

Are you wresting with these challenges?

  • Stuck in a pattern of self-sabotage or self-doubt?

  • Being held hostage by past wounds and self-diminishment patterns?

  • Feel disconnected from your true self or inner wisdom?

  • Struggle to find a sense of purpose or direction in life?

  • Struggle to cope with life transitions or changes?

you're caught in a "woundology" mindset...

You're defining yourself by the wounds from the past.

i struggled in my life with A woundology mindset

I'm Sheila Bélanger, a Mindset Transformation Coach and Astrologer

A pivotal “edge” moment for me happened in my early 20's. I was a Mechanical Engineering student, wrestling with how I was going to make it after graduation in the patriarchal engineering culture of the times. I struggled with old wounds of self-marginalization and a story that I was too different and weird so I could not belong to my community.

I was fighting myself by trying to fit into a culturally secure identity of consensus reality normalcy that denied my intuitive, edgy and spiritual side.

Then I met Archetypal Astrology and experienced a life-changing paradigm shift. From that meeting, I received deep transformational insights about my true nature. Instead of fighting my unusual self, I shifted my life path to become a professional astrologer and transformation guide.

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro."

~Hunter S. Thompson


What would it be like to use the wisdom of your wounds as pathways to healing?

chiron: the wisdom of the wound as doorway to healing

Explore the archetype Chiron through myth, astrology and guided imagery journeys.

Here's all you get with the Chiron course:

• 2-hour do-it-yourself course

• 7 lessons

• Details on theAstrology of your Chiron sign

• 3 guided mindset-shifting imagery journeys

• Chiron: Wisdom of the Wound Fillable Workbook

What's included inside...


welcome to the course

Includes a short video to help you navigate the course and a preparation exercise to determine the zodiac sign of Chiron in your astrology birth chart.

Get Support to Navigate the Course


introduction to chiron

Explore Chiron in astronomy, myth and as the Wounded Healer-Shapeshifter archetype.

Activate an Awareness of Chiron as the Wounded Healer Archetype


astrological chiron

Explore the twelve zodiac signs by element and the meaning of Chiron in each of the zodiac signs.

Walk Away With Understanding the Meaning of Chiron in Your Birth Chart


meet your inner guide chiron

Listen to a deep imagery guided journey to meet with your Inner Guide Chiron.

Connect with Chiron as an Ally for You with a Guided Imagery Journey


Journey to Meet a Healed Ancestor

Listen to a deep imagery guided journey to connect to a Healed Ancestor to support your transformation.

Connect with a Healed Ancestor for You with a Guided Imagery Journey


Journey to release an Ancestor pattern

Listen to a deep imagery guided journey to help you to release wounded ancestral patterns that you no longer need to carry.

Be Guided to Release Wounded Ancestral Patterns


community Q&A and discussion

Listen to a recorded Q&A and discussion session from the live course community.

Gather Insights and Support from the Course Community

isn't it time to choose a healing path?

Let Chiron guide and support you to do so.


7 Modules (Valued at $197)

3 guided journeys (Valued at $43)

Fillable Chiron Course Workbook (Valued at $37)

Chiron in the Zodiac Signs PDF (Valued at $27)

Course Q&A and Community Discussion (Valued at $15)

Total Value = $319