The Relational Alchemist: 

A Guided Journey of Love, Authenticity and Transformation with Venus Retrograde

Use Astrology Archetypes to shift old ways of loving and uncover the gold in your relationships and values

A 13-week self-reflective journey to reclaim your authenticity

February 1st to May 3rd

with Sheila Bélanger • Transformation Coach • Archetypal Astrologer

Ready to transform the way you love and connect?

Release toxic patterns, build healthy boundaries, and rediscover your authentic self.

“Authenticity is the magnet that draws us to

others and allows us to truly connect."

~Oprah Winfrey

Tap the Power of the Venus Retrograde in Aries-Pisces Cycle

Learn how to easily understand and use this potent transformational astrology cycle to unlock your Inner Relational Alchemist and shift patterns of self-diminishment into courage, wisdom, and radical authenticity during Venus Retrograde.

Transform your relationship patterns and align with your true self!

"While Sheila offers poignant paradigms and practices for the journey, the more potent alchemy comes from her own inner mastery and integration which shines through her teaching and guidance."

~From a grateful course student

some of the transformational processes with the astrological archetypes you can expect to experience in the course:

  • Align with the archetype of Venus, the Lover-Relational One, to help embody a truer you in relationships

  • Align with the archetype of Saturn, the Builder, to help you lead with strong, healthy limits that nurture, not drain, your energy.

  • Align with the archetype of Neptune, the Visionary, to access your spiritual intuition and compassionate wisdom in relationships.

  • Align with the archetype of the North Node, your Seeker of Destiny, to feed your courage to follow your soul’s true calling.

  • Align with the archetype of Uranus, the Maverick-Change Agent, to awaken your radical authenticity and have the freedom to be you.

  • Align with the archetype of Jupiter, the Teacher-Wise One, to help reclaim your inner wisdom and see the bigger picture in relationships

  • Align with the archetype of Mercury, the Storyteller, to help reclaim your authentic voice and courageous self-expression.

  • Align with the archetype of Mars, the Advocate, to help discover the courage to advocate for yourself and honor your authenticity.

  • Align with the archetype of Pluto, the Transformer, to help release old patterns and step into the power of your deeper truths.

i struggled in my life with self-diminishment

I'm Sheila Bélanger, Archetypal Astrologer

A pivotal “edge” moment for me happened in my early 20's. I was a Mechanical Engineering student, wrestling with how I was going to make it after graduation in the patriarchal engineering culture of the times.

I was diminshing myself by trying to fit into a culturally secure "consensus reality" identity that denied my intuitive, edgy and spiritual side.

Then I met Archetypal Astrology and experienced a life-changing paradigm
shift. From that meeting, I received deep transformational insights about my authentic nature and how it unfolds with my unique astrology cycles. From that encounter, I shifted my life path to become an archetypal astrologer and transformation guide.

I'll guide you to stop diminishing your authentic nature and align with your unique self using the Venus Retrograde in Aries-Pisces astrology cycle.

The Relational Alchemist: 

A Guided Journey of Love, Authenticity and

Transformation with Venus Retrograde

Here's what's included in the online course:

  • Two live Threshold sessions at the beginning and end of the course

  • 6 Do-It Yourself (DIY) Modules

  • 12 Mindset-Shifting Guided Practices

  • 8 Reflection Tracking Practices

Here's the Details on Live Sessions and Modules in the Course:

Live threshold sessions for the course (recorded)


Saturday, Feb. 1 • 9 am PST

Welcome to your Venus Retrograde Journey. A live 2-hour session that prepares you for the 12-week journey and focuses on Saturn & Neptune as allies. Includes astrology basics, guided meditations, reflection practices and group discussion.

Recorded for those not able to attend.


Saturday, Apr. 19 • 9 am PDT

Honor your Venus Retrograde Journey.

A live 2-hour session that helps you to honor the unique transformations you've made in the 12-week journey. Includes guided meditations, reflection practices and group discussion.

Recorded for those not able to attend.

the Do-It Yourself (DIY) course Modules


Embrace Your Evolutionary Destiny: venus-North Node

Available on February 15th

Explore how to shift a life that doesn’t align with your deeper calling using the current astrology cycle of Venus with the North Node. Includes reflection questions and two guided meditations.


Embrace Your Heart Wisdom as you re-assess: Venus-Jupiter

Available on March 1st

Explore how to trust your inner wisdom and see the bigger picture using the current astrology cycle of Venus turning retrograde connected to Jupiter. Includes reflection questions and two guided meditations.


Embrace Your Authentic Voice and communication:


Available on March 15th

Explore how to shift patterns of feeling misunderstood or unheard using the current astrology cycle of Venus with Mercury. Align with the symbolic descent of Venus into the Underworld. Includes reflection questions and two guided meditations.


Embrace Your authentic relational self: Venus returns from underworld

Available on March 29th

Rebirth your unique relational authenticity in alignment with the symbolic return of Venus from the Underworld. Includes reflection questions and a guided meditation.


Embrace Radical Authenticity: Venus-uranus and goes direct

Available on April 12th

Explore how to shift patterns of feeling trapped in relationships using the current astrology cycle of Venus with Uranus. Symbolically move forward with Venus going direct. Includes reflection questions and two guided meditations.


Embrace Your relational alchemist: venus-mars-pluto

Integration module available on May 3rd

Explore your integration of the Venus retrograde astrology cycle with upcoming cycles of Venus with Pluto and Mars. Release what's done and actively create relationships that honor your authenticity. Includes reflection questions and three guided meditations.

Three-tiered price: $49 • $89 • $129

Choose what works for your financial situation.

At checkout, use a coupon if needed for the fee you want.

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One-time payment

2-live Threshold sessions (recorded)

6 modules

8 Reflection Tracking Practices

12 Mindset-Awakening Guided Practices

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One-time payment

2-live Threshold sessions (recorded)

6 modules

8 Reflection Tracking Practices

12 Mindset-Awakening Guided Practices

no Coupon needed


One-time payment

2-live Threshold sessions (recorded)

6 modules

8 Reflection Tracking Practices

12 Mindset-Awakening Guided Practices


Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don’t know anything about astrology?

You don’t need to know anything about astrology nor your natal chart. The astrology information in the course is archetypal and applicable to anyone. 

You’ll get expert astrology advice presented in basic English that helps you shift limiting relationship patterns. You'll get a clear astrological navigation plan for activating your Inner Relational Alchemist to live a more empowered land authentic ife.

Think of this course as a unique experience of astrological coaching.

Will the course really get me results I want?

The astrology cycle information and mindset-shifting practices are "field tested" by hundreds of grateful clients and students. You can use astrology as a novice to empower yourself by creating an effective life change roadmap to greater self-acceptance!

The mindset-shifting practices effectively take you underneath your limited relationship patterns to access the power of your Inner Relational Alchemist.

Enrollment ends on February 15, 2025

Use Astrology Archetypes to align with your Inner relational alchemist and re-ignite your authenticity!

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